
Create `Blockchain` object and get some info:

import asyncio
from aiobitcoin.blockchain import Blockchain

async def foo():
    blockchain = Blockchain(url='http://alice:bob@')
    difficulty = await blockchain.get_difficulty()
    block_count = await blockchain.get_block_count()
    await blockchain.close_session()

ioloop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

or use the same with context manager:

import asyncio
from aiobitcoin.blockchain import Blockchain

async def foo():
    async with Blockchain(url='http://alice:bob@') as blockchain:
        difficulty = await blockchain.get_difficulty()
        block_count = await blockchain.get_block_count()

ioloop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Working with bip32:

from aiobitcoin.tools import bip32
from aiobitcoin.tools.bip32 import MAINNET_PRV, TESTNET_PRV
from aiobitcoin.tools.key.Key import Key
from aiobitcoin.mnemonic import Mnemonic

# -- Generate mnemonic phrase --
ceed = Mnemonic().generate(encoding=False)

# ... Output: rebel swear tomorrow burger cave giraffe ...

# -- Generate master keys from ceed for BTC mainnet and testnet --
testnet_mxpriv = bip32.xmprv_from_seed(ceed, TESTNET_PRV)
# ... Output: tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPe6tqMpq6qyzFoFSr3cgh...

mainnet_mxpriv = bip32.xmprv_from_seed(ceed, MAINNET_PRV)
# ... Output: xprv9s21ZrQH143K4Q9MazKYy5Kuck31yFeT...

# -- Generate master public keys from master private key --
testnet_mxpub = bip32.xpub_from_xprv(testnet_mxpriv)
mainnet_mxpub = bip32.xpub_from_xprv(mainnet_mxpriv)

# ... Output: tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4X5ghC8mzzsGuMQCxEmnh5Y...
# ... Output: xpub661MyMwAqRbcFHVqjwnunwwY2H7JFPHdXv...

# -- Transform master private key to WIF format and getting address of master key --
key = Key.from_text(mainnet_mxpriv)

wif = key.wif()
# ... Output: L4PEssMfRgHvmpyEGxHJkFVcNWeQvZiySNMAa...

addr = key.address()
# ... Output: 1BGLari4SCxGXoJib27C8pAL6Ef3pFqswD

# -- Create sub key by custom derive path --
subkey = key.subkey_for_path('1/0/{}'.format(11))

addr = subkey.address(use_uncompressed=False)
wif = subkey.wif()