aiobitcoin.mnemonic module

class aiobitcoin.mnemonic.Mnemonic(language='english')[source]

Bases: object

static checksum(data)[source]

Calculates checksum for given data key

Parameters:data (bytes, hexstring) – key string
Return str:Checksum of key in bits
generate(strength=128, add_checksum=True, encoding=True)[source]

Generate a random Mnemonic key

Uses cryptographically secure os.urandom() function to generate data. Then creates a Mnemonic sentence with the ‘to_mnemonic’ method. :param strength: Key strength in number of bits, default is 128 bits. It advised to specify 128 bits or more, i.e.: 128, 256, 512 or 1024 :type strength: int :param add_checksum: Included a checksum? Default is True :type add_checksum: bool :param encoding :type encoding: bool

Return str:Mnemonic passphrase consisting of a space seperated list of words
to_mnemonic(data, add_checksum=True, check_on_curve=True)[source]

Convert key data entropy to Mnemonic sentence

  • data (bytes, hexstring) – Key data entropy
  • add_checksum (bool) – Included a checksum? Default is True
  • check_on_curve – Check if data integer value is on secp256k1 curve. Should be enabled when not

testing and working with crypto :type check_on_curve: bool

Return str:Mnemonic passphrase consisting of a space seperated list of words

aiobitcoin.grambitcoin module

class aiobitcoin.grambitcoin.GramBitcoin(url=None, read_timeout=20, session_required=False)[source]

Bases: object

This class is needed to create a session and then transfer the class instance with already active session to other classes , in order to avoid creating multiple sessions. RPC-API https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.17.0/

  • url (optional) (str) – Node URI in format http://alice:bob@
  • read_timeout (20) (int) – Request operations timeout
  • session_required (optional) (object) – Will create session or not

Important note: if you create an instance of this class, then you need to pass the session_required parameter with the value True. It is not necessary to pass the url parameter, if you do not pass it, then do not forget to pass the url to other classes to which you intend to pass an object of this class.

call_method(method, *args)[source]
static check_url(url, gram)[source]

aiobitcoin.blockchain module

class aiobitcoin.blockchain.Blockchain(url=None, gram=None, read_timeout=20)[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.grambitcoincommon.GramBitcoinCommon

Methods from Blockchain section https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.17.0/.

  • url (optional) (str) – Node URI in format http://alice:bob@
  • gram (optional) (object) – GramBitcoin object
  • read_timeout (20) (int) – Request operations timeout

Note: You must pass at least one parameter or url or gram (with active session).

get_block_count() → int[source]
Returns:Returns the number of blocks in the longest blockchain.
get_blockchain_info() → dict[source]

Provides information about the current state of the block chain. :return: full blockchain information.

Returns:Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
Returns:Returns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.

aiobitcoin.network module

class aiobitcoin.network.Network(url=None, gram=None, read_timeout=20)[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.grambitcoincommon.GramBitcoinCommon

Methods from Network section https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.17.0/.

  • url (optional) (str) – Node URI in format http://alice:bob@
  • gram (optional) (object) – GramBitcoin object
  • read_timeout (20) (int) – Request operations timeout

Note: You must pass at least one parameter or url or gram (with active session).

clear_banned() → None[source]

Clear all banned IPs. :return: None

get_network_info() → dict[source]
Returns:Returns an object containing various state info regarding P2P networking.
get_peer_info(to_list: bool = True) → list[source]
Parameters:to_list – will return list or genexpr
Returns:Returns data about each connected network node as a json array of objects.
list_banned(to_list: bool = True) → list[source]
Returns:List all banned IPs/Subnets.
ping() → None[source]

Requests that a ping be sent to all other nodes, to measure ping time. Results provided in getpeerinfo, pingtime and pingwait fields are decimal seconds. Ping command is handled in queue with all other commands, so it measures processing backlog, not just network ping. :return: None

set_ban(subnet: str, command: str = 'add', bantime: int = 0, absolute: bool = False) → aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.InvalidIpOrSubnet[source]

Attempts to add or remove an IP/Subnet from the banned list. :param subnet: The IP/Subnet (see getpeerinfo for nodes IP) with an optional netmask (default is /32 = single IP) :param command: ‘add’ to add an IP/Subnet to the list, ‘remove’ to remove an IP/Subnet from the list :param bantime: Time in seconds how long (or until when if [absolute] is set) the IP is banned (0 or empty means using the default time of 24h which can also be overwritten by the -bantime startup argument) :param absolute: If set, the bantime must be an absolute timestamp in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT) :return: None

aiobitcoin.util module

class aiobitcoin.util.Util(url=None, gram=None, read_timeout=20)[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.grambitcoincommon.GramBitcoinCommon

Methods from Util section https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.17.0/.

  • url (optional) (str) – Node URI in format http://alice:bob@
  • gram (optional) (object) – GramBitcoin object
  • read_timeout (20) (int) – Request operations timeout

Note: You must pass at least one parameter or url or gram (with active session).

validate_address(addr: str) → bool[source]

Return information about the given bitcoin address. :param addr: bitcoin address :return: boolean value

aiobitcoin.wallet module

class aiobitcoin.wallet.Wallet(url=None, gram=None, read_timeout=20)[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.grambitcoincommon.GramBitcoinCommon

Methods from Wallet section https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.17.0/.

  • url (optional) (str) – Node URI in format http://alice:bob@
  • gram (optional) (object) – GramBitcoin object
  • read_timeout (20) (int) – Request operations timeout

Note: You must pass at least one parameter or url or gram (with active session).

get_balance() → float[source]

Returns the total available balance. :return: total balance

import_address(addr: str, rescan: bool = False) → aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.PrivateKeyForThisAddressAlreadyInWallet[source]

Adds an address or script (in hex) that can be watched as if it were in your wallet but cannot be used to spend. :param addr: bitcoin address :param rescan: activate rescanning blockchain after importing :return: boolean value

import_priv_key(wif: str) → aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.InvalidPrivateKeyEncoding[source]

Adds a private key (as returned by dumpprivkey) to your wallet. :param wif: bitcoin private key :return: boolean value

list_transactions(count: int = 100, include_watchonly: bool = True, to_list: bool = True) → list[source]

Returns up to ‘count’ most recent transactions. :param count: The number of transactions to return :param include_watchonly: Include transactions to watch-only addresses :param to_list: will return list or genexpr :return: list of transactions

rescan_blockchain(days_ago: int, full_rescan: bool = False) → bool[source]

Rescan the local blockchain for wallet related transactions. :param days_ago: how many days the blockchain rescanning will pass :param full_rescan: blockchain rescanning will start from block 1 :return: boolean value

send_to_address(addr: str, amount: int) → aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.InvalidAddress[source]

Send an amount to a given address. :param addr: Bitcoin address :param amount: amount to send :return: tx hash

aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors module

exception aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.IncorrectCreds(uri)[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors._BitcoinErrors

Login or password in URI is incorrect.

exception aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.InvalidAddress(error_msg='')[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors._BitcoinErrors

Invalid address.

exception aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.InvalidIpOrSubnet(error_msg='')[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors._BitcoinErrors

Invalid ip or subnet.

exception aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.InvalidPrivateKeyEncoding(error_msg='')[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors._BitcoinErrors

Invalid private key encoding.

exception aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.NoConnectionToTheDaemon(error_msg)[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors._BitcoinErrors

There is no connection to the daemon.

exception aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors.PrivateKeyForThisAddressAlreadyInWallet(error_msg='')[source]

Bases: aiobitcoin.bitcoinerrors._BitcoinErrors

Private key for address is already in wallet.