Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 The btclib developers 2019 mkbeh
# This file is part of btclib. It is subject to the license terms in the
# LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution.
# No part of btclib including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
# or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.

"""BIP32 Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet functions.

A deterministic wallet is a hash-chain of private/public key pairs that
derives from a single root, which is the only element requiring backup.
Moreover, there are schemes where public keys can be calculated without
accessing private keys.

A hierarchical deterministic wallet is a tree of multiple hash-chains,
derived from a single root, allowing for selective sharing of keypair

Here, the HD wallet is implemented according to BIP32 bitcoin standard

from hmac import HMAC
from hashlib import sha512

from . import base58
from .curve import mult
from .curves import secp256k1 as ec
from .utils import Octets, int_from_octets, octets_from_point

# VERSION BYTES =      4 bytes     Base58 encode starts with
MAINNET_PRV = b'\x04\x88\xAD\xE4'  # xprv
TESTNET_PRV = b'\x04\x35\x83\x94'  # tprv
SEGWIT_PRV = b'\x04\xb2\x43\x0c'

MAINNET_PUB = b'\x04\x88\xB2\x1E'  # xpub
TESTNET_PUB = b'\x04\x35\x87\xCF'  # tpub
SEGWIT_PUB = b'\x04\xb2\x47\x46'

MAINNET_ADDRESS = b'\x00'          # 1
TESTNET_ADDRESS = b'\x6F'          # m or n

# [  : 4] version
# [ 4: 5] depth
# [ 5: 9] parent pubkey fingerprint
# [ 9:13] child index
# [13:45] chain code
# [45:78] key (private/public)

[docs]def xmprv_from_seed(seed: Octets, version: Octets, decode: bool = True) -> bytes: """derive the master extended private key from the seed""" if isinstance(version, str): # hex string version = bytes.fromhex(version) if version not in PRV: m = f"invalid private version ({version})" raise ValueError(m) # serialization data xmprv = version # version xmprv += b'\x00' # depth xmprv += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' # parent pubkey fingerprint xmprv += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' # child index # actual extended key (key + chain code) derivation if isinstance(seed, str): # hex string seed = bytes.fromhex(seed) hd = HMAC(b"Bitcoin seed", seed, sha512).digest() mprv = int_from_octets(hd[:32]) xmprv += hd[32:] # chain code xmprv += b'\x00' + mprv.to_bytes(32, 'big') # private key xmprv = base58.encode_check(xmprv) return xmprv.decode('utf-8') if decode else xmprv
[docs]def xpub_from_xprv(xprv: Octets, decode: bool = True) -> bytes: """Neutered Derivation (ND) Computation of the extended public key corresponding to an extended private key (“neutered” as it removes the ability to sign transactions) """ xprv = base58.decode_check(xprv, 78) if xprv[45] != 0: raise ValueError("extended key is not a private one") i = PRV.index(xprv[:4]) # serialization data xpub = PUB[i] # version # unchanged serialization data xpub += xprv[4: 5] # depth xpub += xprv[5: 9] # parent pubkey fingerprint xpub += xprv[9:13] # child index xpub += xprv[13:45] # chain code p = int_from_octets(xprv[46:]) P = mult(ec, p) xpub += octets_from_point(ec, P, True) # public key xpub = base58.encode_check(xpub) return xpub.decode('utf-8') if decode else xpub