Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from import ecdsa
from import EncodingError, a2b_hashed_base58, \
    from_bytes_32, hash160, hash160_sec_to_bitcoin_address, \
    is_sec_compressed, public_pair_to_sec, public_pair_to_hash160_sec, \
    sec_to_public_pair, secret_exponent_to_wif
from import netcode_and_type_for_data
from import address_prefix_for_netcode, wif_prefix_for_netcode
from import get_current_netcode
from import b2h
from import sigencode_der, sigdecode_der

[docs]class InvalidPublicPairError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class InvalidSecretExponentError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class Key(object): def __init__(self, secret_exponent=None, public_pair=None, hash160=None, prefer_uncompressed=None, is_compressed=None, is_pay_to_script=False, netcode=None): """ secret_exponent: a long representing the secret exponent public_pair: a tuple of long integers on the ecdsa curve hash160: a hash160 value corresponding to a bitcoin address Include at most one of secret_exponent, public_pair or hash160. prefer_uncompressed: whether or not to produce text outputs as compressed or uncompressed. is_pay_to_script: whether or not this key is for a pay-to-script style transaction netcode: the code for the network (as defined in pycoin.networks) Include at most one of secret_exponent, public_pair or hash160. prefer_uncompressed, is_compressed (booleans) are optional. """ if is_compressed is None: is_compressed = False if hash160 else True if netcode is None: netcode = get_current_netcode() if [secret_exponent, public_pair, hash160].count(None) != 2: raise ValueError("exactly one of secret_exponent, public_pair, hash160 must be passed.") if prefer_uncompressed is None: prefer_uncompressed = not is_compressed self._prefer_uncompressed = prefer_uncompressed self._secret_exponent = secret_exponent self._public_pair = public_pair self._hash160_uncompressed = None self._hash160_compressed = None if hash160: if is_compressed: self._hash160_compressed = hash160 else: self._hash160_uncompressed = hash160 self._netcode = netcode if self._public_pair is None and self._secret_exponent is not None: if self._secret_exponent < 1 \ or self._secret_exponent >= ecdsa.generator_secp256k1.order(): raise InvalidSecretExponentError() public_pair = ecdsa.public_pair_for_secret_exponent( ecdsa.generator_secp256k1, self._secret_exponent) self._public_pair = public_pair if self._public_pair is not None \ and (None in self._public_pair or not ecdsa.is_public_pair_valid(ecdsa.generator_secp256k1, self._public_pair)): raise InvalidPublicPairError()
[docs] @classmethod def from_text(cls, text, is_compressed=False): """ This function will accept a BIP0032 wallet string, a WIF, or a bitcoin address. The "is_compressed" parameter is ignored unless a public address is passed in. """ data = a2b_hashed_base58(text) netcode, key_type, length = netcode_and_type_for_data(data) data = data[1:] if key_type in ("pub32", "prv32"): # : fix this... it doesn't belong here from import BIP32Node return BIP32Node.from_wallet_key(text) if key_type == 'wif': is_compressed = (len(data) > 32) if is_compressed: data = data[:-1] return Key( secret_exponent=from_bytes_32(data), prefer_uncompressed=not is_compressed, netcode=netcode) if key_type == 'address': return Key(hash160=data, is_compressed=is_compressed, netcode=netcode) raise EncodingError("unknown text: %s" % text)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sec(class_, sec, netcode=None): """ Create a key from an sec bytestream (which is an encoding of a public pair). """ public_pair = sec_to_public_pair(sec) return class_(public_pair=public_pair, is_compressed=is_sec_compressed(sec), netcode=netcode)
[docs] def is_private(self): return self.secret_exponent() is not None
[docs] def secret_exponent(self): """ Return an integer representing the secret exponent (or None). """ return self._secret_exponent
[docs] def wif(self, use_uncompressed=None): """ Return the WIF representation of this key, if available. If use_uncompressed is not set, the preferred representation is returned. """ wif_prefix = wif_prefix_for_netcode(self._netcode) secret_exponent = self.secret_exponent() if secret_exponent is None: return None return secret_exponent_to_wif(secret_exponent, compressed=not self._use_uncompressed(use_uncompressed), wif_prefix=wif_prefix)
[docs] def public_pair(self): """ Return a pair of integers representing the public key (or None). """ return self._public_pair
[docs] def netcode(self): """ Return the netcode """ return self._netcode
[docs] def sec(self, use_uncompressed=None): """ Return the SEC representation of this key, if available. If use_uncompressed is not set, the preferred representation is returned. """ public_pair = self.public_pair() if public_pair is None: return None return public_pair_to_sec(public_pair, compressed=not self._use_uncompressed(use_uncompressed))
[docs] def sec_as_hex(self, use_uncompressed=None): """ Return the SEC representation of this key as hex text. If use_uncompressed is not set, the preferred representation is returned. """ sec = self.sec(use_uncompressed=use_uncompressed) if sec is None: return None return b2h(sec)
[docs] def hash160(self, use_uncompressed=None): """ Return the hash160 representation of this key, if available. If use_uncompressed is not set, the preferred representation is returned. """ use_uncompressed = self._use_uncompressed(use_uncompressed) if self.public_pair() is None: if use_uncompressed: return self._hash160_uncompressed return self._hash160_compressed if use_uncompressed: if self._hash160_uncompressed is None: self._hash160_uncompressed = hash160(self.sec(use_uncompressed=use_uncompressed)) return self._hash160_uncompressed if self._hash160_compressed is None: self._hash160_compressed = hash160(self.sec(use_uncompressed=use_uncompressed)) return self._hash160_compressed
[docs] def address(self, use_uncompressed=None): """ Return the public address representation of this key, if available. If use_uncompressed is not set, the preferred representation is returned. """ address_prefix = address_prefix_for_netcode(self._netcode) hash160 = self.hash160(use_uncompressed=use_uncompressed) if hash160: return hash160_sec_to_bitcoin_address(hash160, address_prefix=address_prefix) return None
bitcoin_address = address
[docs] def as_text(self): """ Return a textual representation of this key. """ if self.secret_exponent(): return self.wif() sec_hex = self.sec_as_hex() if sec_hex: return sec_hex return self.address()
[docs] def public_copy(self): if self.secret_exponent() is None: return self return Key(public_pair=self.public_pair(), prefer_uncompressed=self._prefer_uncompressed, is_compressed=(self._hash160_compressed is not None), netcode=self._netcode)
[docs] def subkey(self, path_to_subkey): """ Return the Key corresponding to the hierarchical wallet's subkey """ return self
[docs] def subkeys(self, path_to_subkeys): """ Return an iterator yielding Keys corresponding to the hierarchical wallet's subkey path (or just this key). """ yield self
[docs] def sign(self, h): """ Return a der-encoded signature for a hash h. Will throw a RuntimeError if this key is not a private key """ if not self.is_private(): raise RuntimeError("Key must be private to be able to sign") val = from_bytes_32(h) r, s = ecdsa.sign(ecdsa.generator_secp256k1, self.secret_exponent(), val) return sigencode_der(r, s)
[docs] def verify(self, h, sig): """ Return whether a signature is valid for hash h using this key. """ val = from_bytes_32(h) pubkey = self.public_pair() rs = sigdecode_der(sig) if self.public_pair() is None: # find the pubkey from the signature and see if it matches # our key possible_pubkeys = ecdsa.possible_public_pairs_for_signature( ecdsa.generator_secp256k1, val, rs) hash160 = self.hash160() for candidate in possible_pubkeys: if hash160 == public_pair_to_hash160_sec(candidate, True): pubkey = candidate break if hash160 == public_pair_to_hash160_sec(candidate, False): pubkey = candidate break else: # signature is using a pubkey that's not this key return False return ecdsa.verify(ecdsa.generator_secp256k1, pubkey, val, rs)
def _use_uncompressed(self, use_uncompressed=None): if use_uncompressed: return use_uncompressed if use_uncompressed is None: return self._prefer_uncompressed return False def __repr__(self): r = self.public_copy().as_text() if self.is_private(): return "private_for <%s>" % r return "<%s>" % r